
Blinding Flash of the Obvious #1

The path to change the world is not paved.

No concrete or gravel graces the path toward change.

There are tracks in the dirt from heroes who have gone before us, leaving their marks on the landscape and their imprints on our hearts.

It's one hard climb, with places that have been washed out, or marks that have been obliterated, or places where the ruts are so deep it seems impossible to get out of them. But the marks are there nevertheless.

We leave prints as well, with each step of faithful living, leaving yet another mark and making the path a little easier for those who come behind us here.

Today as you walk, live knowing that the marks you leave on that unpaved path—whether on or off the path of changing the world—are seen and noted by those that walk behind you.

History takes note: you were here.


Ruth Ann said...


How come I never found out you had a blog while at IPS for 2 whole weeks??? I have your website but it doesn't even link to your blog. :) Well, good thing Leah linked to your blog, because I'm *catching up* today and clicked through the link and was like "My Mandy!" *heehee* and was so excited to see you had posted just on Saturday...the day I left. (such a sad/exciting day...leaving so many good friends yet heading home ready to impact my world!) Anyhow, I was like W.O.W...I've read this several times already and will probably be back. I hope you get into somewhat *normal* posting (haha!). Thanks for sharing this: it is exactly what I need to hear right now, as I want to badly to impact my world for good, but at times it is scary and I don't even know where to start. But perhaps it is happening without me totally realizing it. I think I've been expecting for everything to just fall out of space and be so clear to me - but like you said at first, "the path to change the world is not paved..." That kinda hurts somehow, but I know it wouldn't be change or impact if it was already there. So...I tremble and step out my feet...ready to tread out into an unknown part of my life, ready to share God's love with everyone I meet and everywhere I go and through all that I do.

And in the meantime...if you get to the end of my comment: please pray for me to be faithful, to give my all and let Christ do the work through me!!

Love you BUNCHES and would give anything to give you a BIG hug right now!! :) If you are EVER in Florida, LET ME KNOW, k??

Talk to you later...hope Pixel This is fabulous, which I'm sure it is...

Much Love,
Ruth Ann

Ruth Ann said...

Just because I want to say something else...or rather, because I forgot to say it earlier: I just want you to know that I absolutely love that quote at the top of your blog - I clearly remember that day when I was so upset at my lack of progress and was sure you did NOT want to see my pictures...ahh, looking back I'm sure I looked utterly ridiculous. It was the way I felt though, and you were right there. And then you shared that quote with me. I'd heard it before but in that time and place (sitting on the cushions at the back of the Summit IPS classroom) it became real to me. Later I looked up the entire quote on the Internet and read it again and again and again. Then I shared it with my friends and family back home... So the quote itself has a story in my mind, and I am so thankful for you! :)

Ruth Ann

Ruth Ann said...

ok Mandy, WHERE ARE YOU?? Am I the only one who comments on here anyhow? (or maybe, just maybe...this was posted just for me) Oh, and I was wondering...did you write this yourself? (I wouldn't put it from you AT ALL but I was curious, I keep coming back to it and reading it, and it is so encouraging. I keep telling myself that first part: The path to change the world is not paved It's struck a cord in my heart, most definitely.

Love you!!
Ruth Ann

Brittany said...

Miss Mandy,

thank you for writing. . . I needed this.

me misses you much!!!

Ruth Ann said...

me agrees with Miss Brit!